Children’s Ministry 2024-2025

You are invited to join us for hands-on learning experiences during our Children’s Ministry program on Sunday mornings | September through May.
Your children are welcome to join in any time!
Our theme for the 2024-2025 year is: CROSSROADS . . . JESUS WILL SHOW US THE WAY! And we will kick off the year on Rally Sunday-September 8th, 20204. Click on SEEING JESUS in Children’s Ministry! (below) to hear more about our program from Children’s Ministry coordinator, Alyssa Brockman!
Please fill out a form for each child, even if they have been part of the Children’s Ministry program in the past.
We believe that Faith is not meant to be a “school” subject to learn and file away, but the center of a person’s identity. With that in mind, our Workshop Rotation teaching recognizes that different people learn in different ways and, as such it is taught in five different ways: SeeiT. TelliT. MakeiT. MoveiT. TasteiT.
BACK IN 2024-2025 — 6TH GRADE BRIDGE | Sunday mornings at 9:30 focuses on faith development bridging between the Children’s Ministry Rotation Workshops and entering the Confirmation program in 7th grade. Taught by John Kenworthy
We begin Children’s Ministry each week in worship at 9:30 on Sunday mornings—heading downstairs to the rotation workshop rooms after the Children’s message. No matter their age or the season, Trinity’s kids learn the Bible stories through hands-on experiences that include a wide variety of: arts and crafts, baking, videos, games, drama, story-telling—and more! Even if you haven’t registered your child, they are always welcome … come!
We are always seeking help from parent volunteers. CLICK HERE and contact Alyssa to get involved.
No experience necessary—all you need is a love and desire to share God’s love and promise with our kids.
• Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Little Lambs 2024 Christmas Program)
Trinity_FlatJesus.pdf | FLAT JESUS | #iamwithyoualways
Invite your children to color and decorate their FLAT JESUS as they wish. Cut him out and take him with you where ever you go as a reminder of Jesus’ real presence with us in everyday places and in all circumstances.