Worship with us…ONLINE and IN-PERSON
Worship is central to who we are as children of God. Our goal is to provide spirit-filled and meaningful services of worship that celebrate God’s love and grace. Whether you are just visiting or seeking a place to belong, we welcome you and invite you to come and worship. Trinity is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Congregation – which means we welcome all people, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation or gender identity. This is Christ’s church, there is a place for you here—come, just as you are.
TRINITY | TOGETHER AGAIN! We are thankful to walk forward together into a new reality here and now. Trinity strives to offer in-house worship that feeds the soul and sends each of us out to try to live as disciples of Christ. Whether you prefer the tradition of Liturgical Worship (4 PM on Saturdays) or a more casual and spirited worship experience from our Created to Praise service (9:30 AM Sundays), we welcome you to visit us at least three times in order to get the best feel for who we are. Holy Communion is served at all worship services. Come as you are—you are welcome here.
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In-person worship at Trinity as follows:
• Saturdays at 4:00 PM | Liturgical (Traditional
• Sundays at 9:30 AM | Created to Praise
ONLINE WORSHIP Trinity Live Streams our Sunday morning worship services at 9:30 AM. Click on the link above to access Trinity’s online worship opportunities, present and past.
Traditional Worship

Hymns and Liturgy taken from the Cranberry Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal.
Created to Praise

Liturgies and music selected and varied to match the theme of the day.
Special Services

Half Hour self reflective taize type prayer service held in a darkened sanctuary
We are happy to be gathering safely inside our building once again, but also continuing to operate as a church without walls. The past few years of challenges have been and example that the love of God is not contained in a building or a specific way of doing things, but in the hearts and lives of God’s people.
Weekly Devotion and Weekend Worship services.
• 4:00 PM | Saturdays | Liturgical (Traditional) Worship
• 9:30 AM | Sundays | Created to Praise Worship
1:00 PM | Tuesdays | Bible Study with Pastor Dave
9:30 AM | Sundays September-May | Children’s Ministry (3 yrs – 6th Grade)
6:30 PM | Wednesdays September-May | Confirmation Instruction
We want to express our deep gratitude for your support, spiritually, emotionally and financially. As a congregation we have been incredibly fortunate that your faithfulness is allowing us to continue our ministry in a very challenging time. We could not continue to share the love and promise of God in new, creative and certainly different ways without your support!
If you have any questions or concerns, are aware of anyone in our congregation who needs support, or if you just need to talk or visit, please don’t hesitate to call or email us:
Trinity office, 262-334-2125 | [email protected]
Pastor Dave, 262-483-0791 | [email protected]
Pastor Cris, 262-483-0792 | [email protected]

• Baptisms • Prayers
• Weddings • Blessings
• Funerals • Visitation