We Believe there's GRACE for that
Sharing the love and promise of God is our mission statement.
It sounds pretty simple and straightforward; however, because we are all human, truly living out and sharing God’s unconditional love and grace is something we continue to strive for in our everyday lives and circumstances. Learning to share God’s unconditional love is especially challenging now with:
- All the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic,
- The great political divide that exists in our country,
- The Black Lives Matter movement and realization that some of us have not recognized or been subject to the racism that plagues so many people in our community, in our country, in our world.
- The call to reevaluate and restructure systems and processes that have been in place longer than we can remember.

In 2017, Trinity members overwhelmingly voted to become the first Reconciling in Christ congregation in Washington County. Right after that vote we went to work on formulating our welcome statement. At our core we believe this is Christ‘s church and, as such, there is a place for everyone—just as we are. Below is our welcome statement—it’s a good start.
You Are Welcome Here

We believe in this statement! At the same time, we still struggle to grow into it. We are flawed and things are rarely as simple, clean and well thought out as our mission or welcome statements. Thankfully, God’s grace is there for us all—no matter what. We know that God loves each of us equally. Jesus died for each one of us – even those with whom we cannot agree or do not understand. This should cause us to pause; to reflect and listen to each other a little more — or maybe just respect and pray for each other a little harder.
Our Vision
To be a bold, strong, and thriving community committed to ministry.
Accepting, diverse, loving, and supporting…a welcoming, joyful place.
Grounded in Faith, open to the Spirit, and biblically centered.
Interconnected with the wider community and responsive to its needs.
Our Core Values
Grounded In Faith, Open To The Spirit. We are a forward looking community of God’s children defined, directed, and energized (empowered) by God’s Spirit.
Biblically Centered | We seek to deepen our roots in God’s Word and God’s love, drawing strength and power from this connection.
Building Each Other Up | Everything we do should be for the strengthening and encouragement of one another. We seek to support and enliven each other and not to tear each other down.
Following Christ’s Example of Unselfish Service | As Jesus lived his life, he put others first and, in love, emptied himself completely for us. As followers of Christ we are called to offer ourselves in unselfish service to the world.
Forgiving | Forgiveness is central to our relationship with others. As God in Christ has forgiven us all our sins, so we are asked to forgive the sins of others.
Growing in Relationship with Christ and Each Other | As we grow closer to Christ, we can share him with others more fully and effectively. We cherish those relationships which give us life and prepare us for our mission in the world.
Living in Hope | We live our lives filled with hope. We do not despair. Because our future is in God’s hands, we are not afraid.
Living with Honesty and Integrity | Sharing the truth in love is central to healthy, honest relationships that grow and work together.
Loving Unconditionally | There are no strings attached to God’s love. In response to God’s love for us…we, in turn, love others with no strings attached.
Offering Hospitality | An important aspect of sharing God’s love is creating a space where all people feel welcomed and valued…without exception.
Rejoicing and Praising | Because we trust God in all things we give thanks and praise. In all places and under all conditions, we rejoice because God is present with us.
Seeking Out the Hurting | Jesus was driven by his compassion for people. He was constantly reaching out to those who were hurting. Following the example of Christ, we too are called to reach out to the hurting of the world.
Sharing the Good News of Christ Everywhere | We reach out beyond any boundaries to love and support one another, our community, and our world with the love of Jesus.
Striving for Justice | In response to a just God, we are a people who strive for justice in all that we do. That justice is concerned about building a community where the weakest, smallest, and least powerful are cared for and honored as much as the powerful and wealthy, and mercy is extended to all.
Supporting Servant Leadership | All of God’s people are needed and called to their unique place in ministry. The Holy Spirit continually works through the Church to empower and prepare people for their particular role in fulfilling God’s Mission.
Trusting and Depending on God and Each Other | We know that we cannot carry on the work of God alone. We trust God to provide the strength that we need. We also depend on one another as fellow members of the body of Christ.
Valuing and Respecting Everyone, Everywhere | All of us are valued and cherished by God. In the same way we value people so much, that without compromising our identity as disciples of Christ, we meet people where they are at, rather than expecting them to meet us where we are comfortable.
Our Affiliations

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ELCA congregations are centers for evangelical mission, where people of faith celebrate, learn and connect with one another and others around the world through service and weekly worship. We are a church that belongs to Christ and shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. There is a place for you among our nearly 10,000 congregations across the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. For us as the ELCA, this faith comes through the good news of Jesus Christ and gives us the freedom and the courage to wonder, discover and boldly participate in what God is up to in the world. Trinity is part of the ELCA Greater Milwaukee Synod.
Reconciling In Christ
The Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program is for congregations, synods, colleges, seminaries, and other Lutheran organizations. Lutheran communities that publicly welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people are accepted onto the Reconciling in Christ Roster which now exceeds 600 settings. Most groups start the process of consideration by engaging in a study program or series of educational meetings. Hearing the experiences of LGBT people and their families often creates greater understanding and insights.