So many ways to Give and to Serve

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. MATTHEW 25: 35-36
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. MATTHEW 25: 40
A new retaining wall that was needed at the south end of Trinity’s parking lot was installed by a fine group of Trinity volunteers in summer of 2019!
Volunteer Service | #manyhandsmakelightwork
Among the ways you can contribute to Trinity’s mission is to VOLUNTEER—!
And, a convenient way to step up is to use the SignUP Genius link to access a host of volunteer needs and opportunities. Whether you are interested in serving as an Usher, a Greeter, a Coffee Hour Host or you just like baking, your involvement is needed. Can you help with Communion setup or cleanup, are you interested in helping serve Communion during worship, would like to be working with the Children’s Ministry Program, or looking for other ways to give and serve? Please check out the many ways you can help by clicking here
And, a convenient way to step up is to use the SignUP Genius link to access a host of volunteer needs and opportunities. Whether you are interested in serving as an Usher, a Greeter, a Coffee Hour Host or you just like baking, your involvement is needed. Can you help with Communion setup or cleanup, are you interested in helping serve Communion during worship, would like to be working with the Children’s Ministry Program, or looking for other ways to give and serve? Please check out the many ways you can help by clicking here
Financial Giving Made-Easy

Want to support Trinity’s ministries?
CLICK HERE or Scan the QR Code to GIVE to Trinity right now!

Setting up automatic withdrawal donations to Trinity through GIVE+. makes giving easy. Download the PDF form using the link on the left. You can either print the form, fill it out and mail it to Trinity or drop it off in the church office. If you wish to fill out the form electronically: Open the form and save it to your computer. Open Adobe Reader. Choose the Fill and Sign option at the top of the Adobe page. Select your saved form file to open. Fill it in and save it again. It can then be sent as an attachment like any document. If you are having the withdrawal from a checking account, take a picture of a canceled check. Send both the form and the check photo to the church office via e-mail: [email protected]

With VANCO MOBILE, you can quickly and easily give to Trinity using your smartphone. Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user, or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history. Either way,VANCO MOBILE offers a safe, secure way to make one-time or recurring contributions to Trinity. The VANCO app is free to use and available for download at the App Store. When you download theVANCO app for the first time, you will be prompted to enter the name of our church. Type in the name of the church and select it when it appears. Or, use the Find Churches Near me feature.
Giving through Endowment Planning
In Giving we find blessing—set your heart to give. Paul was clear that giving brought its own blessing. What is Paul’s answer to why we should give without hesitation and what’s in it for us? Simply put, because givers “get.” We get blessed in ways we don’t expect. We are part of something amazing. We are able to live our mission to share God’s love and promise. Together, we change live—endowment planning is another way to give to Trinity’s Mission and Ministries. Call the church office or email Pastor Dave about endowment giving [email protected]

Serving starts at home–but reaches far beyond
Trinity’s Ministry Teams include, but are not limited to:
Faith Development
Children’s Ministry
Bible Study
Adult Forums
Confirmation Youth
First Sunday | High School Youth
Worship & Music
Worship Assistants
Ushers, Greeters
Created to Praise Singers
Special Event Choirs
Worship Recording (Audio/Visual)
Compassion International Sponsorship
Family Promise
Giving Trees
Helping Hands Fund
God’s Work. Our Hands.
Project Return
Community Building
Trinity Fellowship and Celebrations
Coffee Hour Servers/Bakers
Welcome Packets
Hosting Events/Celebrations
Office Operating Systems
Worship Recording (Audio/Visual)
Ministry Support
Building & Grounds Maintenance
#TrinityTogether | Giving because we have been blessed through God’s Grace
Trinity Small Groups include, but are not limited to:
Trinity Comforters | making blankets of warmth for folks in need in and outside our community and globally through Lutheran World Relief
Prayer Shawl Ministry | Knit or Crochet Prayer Shawls
Book & Bible Study Groups
Tuesdays on the Trail | Walk & Talk Tuesday mornings in summer.
Thursdays on the Patio | Thursdays in summer 6:30 PM on Trinity’s courtyard
For more information about serving on any of the Ministry Teams, participating in the small groups or if you are inspired to begin a new ministry or group, please e-mail: [email protected]