Dear Fellow Trinity Members and Friends,

November is always a time of decision for us as the members of Trinity. This year maybe more so than some of the previous years. This year we are running a little further behind then normal. We are roughly negative $30,000 in the general fund at this time. In other words roughly $30,000 behind where we hoped to be when we established last year’s budget.

We are also at that time of year when each of us decides what our commitment to Trinity will be for next year. We look at our own lives, our own needs as individuals and families, and the gifts that we have received from God’s hands. In prayer and guided by the Spirit of God we commit ourselves to the work of our congregation; OUR congregation.

Also we will be looking ahead to next year and making decisions again as a congregation. Do we look to expand the ministry that we carry on at Trinity Lutheran Church? Do we accept the challenge we feel we are being called to and do even more to bring the love and promise of God to an even wider circle? Do we rejoice in ever new opportunities? Or, do we hold our ground in the expectation that maybe next year and in the years to come God will bless us with resources to do some new things at some future time? Do we maintain our ministries and give thanks for what we have and do what we are doing with joy and celebration? Or maybe do we cut back, realizing that at this time we do not have the resources, for whatever reason, and make the decision to cut back on some of the work that we are doing, no matter how worthy? Which ministries will we cut back on? Children’s ministry, youth, worship, outreach to community and world, across the board, or maybe staffing? If we make this choice we still enter into it with thanks and praise looking ahead to what the future might bring.

We live in a world where it is not easy to decide. We understand – we too struggle with these same questions every year. As with all of you we have the normal expenses of life- home, food, medical care, basic necessities- the list for all of us is huge. We also have one son in seminary and we are doing our best to help him complete his education. Our other son is establishing a business and building a foundation for his life and we are doing our best to help him as well. Like many of you, over the years, we managed to acquire a fair amount of debt trying to balance things out. We have also, over these same years challenged ourselves to make significant pledges to the work of Trinity. Honestly, we struggled in many years to keep up on our congregational commitment. We didn’t always make it, but it was always in sight. Further, we’ve been increasing our giving in the last few years despite the failures of the past.

This year it looks like we will thankfully meet, and maybe exceed, our commitment. Then, once again, we will have the opportunity to consider giving more next year. We will do this because we believe that our congregation can do things that others cannot. Moreover, we believe that Trinity can be a positive community force because we are people who truly believe in sharing the love and promise of God in ever wider circles. We believe we need to constantly be pushing ourselves, because to quote Pastor Terry Berg – our predecessor and partner in ministry – “if you are not pushing to the edge you are not pushing far enough.” We believe in you and even more we believe in our God, who is always giving new life and all the things we need each and every day.

Our decisions about the life of this congregation will be made as all of us make our decisions about what God is calling us to in the future, as a congregation and as individuals. The decisions are never easy, because there are so many needs and so many things that God has placed in each of our lives. But our prayer is that we will make those decisions carefully, prayerfully and in faith. Whatever our decisions, we will move into the future with joyful and generous hearts, sharing the love and promise of God as deeply and as widely as we can.

This is a time of decision. Let us make our decisions with faith knowing that God has grace to meet all our needs and all our struggles. Come enter the future with us in joy and thanksgiving.

Together in Christ, Pastors Dave and Cris