Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

By the time you receive this newsletter, Christmas Day will have passed, but Christmas has not. The power of Christmas is something that should always be with us. To know that God is willing to enter in the world inhuman flesh, is to realize that all human life is important to God. In fact the entirety of our life is something that God shares in constantly.

Because of this revelation, every moment of human life is made holy.Every person and all their concerns are – for God and for us as God’s people – of ultimate importance. In our own way we are reborn to a new world in the love of God. Maybe the close proximity of Christmas and the New Year is a message of which we should be more aware. Christ is born so that we might start new.

As we enter this New Year may we recommit ourselves to living in the light of Christ’s birth. May we realize that the love of God always comes in flesh, first in that Holy birth, but now in us as God works through us to touch the world in love and hope. Meister Eckert a medieval Christian thinker shared a thought in his writing that has always had great power:

What good is it to me that Mary gave birth to the son of God fourteen hundred years ago, and I do not also give birth to theSon of God in my time and in my culture? We are all meant to be mothers of God. God is always needing to be born.

May the love of God that comes at Christmas continue to be born in us as we move into this New Year.

Yours in the Love of Christ,

Pastors Cris and Dave