Here we are. It’s Lent again!

For the two of us, Lent is a time to take stock of ourselves in a very special way. We ask two important questions in the midst of this season.

1) What does the cross of Christ mean to us and how does it change our lives?

There have been many times when this incredible expression ofGod’s love has called us to new and sometimes challengingchanges in our lives. At various times in our lives it has called us to renew our deep and loving commitment to each other in times of struggle, there have been times when the cross of Christ has called us to make sacrifices for our children, our congregation, and the world. There have been times when remembering the cross of Christ has upheld us by reminding usof the extent of God’s love. These have been deeply personal and powerful revelations. To see the world through the cross changes everything. We will be focusing on this in worship as we look at the theme of Cross Purposes.

2) We take time to ask ourselves, “What is getting in the way of my relationship with our God who we meet in the cross of Christ?”

What are the things that we need to alter to deepen and renew our relationship to our Lord? Sometimes it means giving something up- TV time, some of the money we spend on self, old ways of approaching life. But often it means taking things on – more time in prayer and study, more time with people at risk in the community, more time with people we love. Most of the time it is some combination of the two. One year we kept a little box and the money we might have spent on going out to eat we put in the box for world hunger. In doing this we were reminded of the abundance God gives us and how sharing draws us closer to God and the world.

So what about you? What does Lent mean? What does the cross mean, not just as an idea, but as a reality that shapes your life? What do you need to take up or let go of this Lent that would draw you closer to the love that God shows us in our Lord? We encourage everyone to take this Lenten journey as an opportunity to reflect anew onChrist’s love which surrounds us and calls to us each day. Listen with your heart andrespond with your life.

God’s Blessings during this Lenten Season,

Pastors Cris and Dave