Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

We need to keep shouting this joyous news, not just for others, but to remind ourselves. It is easy to see the end of things only as a moment of grief and sorrow, but our risen Lord reminds us that death always leads to new life.

I remember when I left high school and was heading for college. My heart was so heavy. I left friends behind I was pretty sure I would never see again. I got to college and the place seemed strange and alien – death. Yet within a relatively short time, I was in the midst of new life. The adventure of new learning and, yes, new friends as well, brought joy and excitement.

Each parish we left brought a moment of the deepest pain to both Cris and I. We had experienced so much life and grace in each parish. We had moments of incredible success, but also some painful failures – and yet as we left, there was always love and forgiveness and grief and celebration and then new life in a new place. Always new life.

As our kids grew up and moved out, here was something deeply lost. Our time together would become so much more limited. Yet we developed new and deeper relationships and the time we have is just as precious.

When my mom died, I realized that things would never be the same. Over time though, I realized that what she had helped me become continued on in how I faced the world.

I am not sure I could have ever embraced this new life or even perceived it apart from the love and new life that is ours in Jesus. Jesus opens my eyes every day to the new life all around. The power of Christ’s Spirit empowers me to offer new life as well through opportunities for forgiveness, love, sacrifice, encouragement, joy and so much more. Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! I cry out to the world these words of joy, and I cry them to myself. And I hear myself with joy and thanksgiving.

Easter Blessings, Pastor Dave