Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Summer is upon us. For many of us the pace of life will change somewhat. The heat tends to slow the world a little. People are on vacation off and on through the summer. The sun and warmth call us all to enjoy a little of the world and its wonder and beauty. It is a time in some ways to become a little more aware of the presence of God the creator whose handprints are on everything around. In the beautiful words of Psalm 8: When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?

But also in the midst of the glory of summer we are tempted to forget about God. There is so much to do both in terms of recreation and work to do around the house and yard. Children are off of school and in many households are demanding our attention. We are tempted to forget about the God who stands at the center of all things. We can sometimes be like the people called to join in the great wedding feast prepared by the Lord in Matthew 22: But they made light of it and went away, one to his farm, another to his business.

The truth is while we sometimes are aware of God and sometimes fail to notice God’s presence, God never forgets about us. God is constantly aware of the struggles of our hearts and the joys. God knows of our needs and is constantly at work to meet those needs in each day. God’s loving attention is always focused on us- always. Jesus tells us plainly at the end of the gospel of Matthew: I will be with you always to the end of the age.

As you move through summer know God is there. As you travel to exotic places- or maybe familiar ones: know God is there. As you graduate and prepare to begin new adventures or maybe begin new chapters in life: know that God is there. As you face struggles and triumphs know that God is there. In the sun and the rain God is there.

Maybe amidst all the wonder and joy, and demands of summer, and yes life, we can take a little time to notice the beauty of it all and come and join in the feast of God’s love, not just at church, but everywhere we go. We are always invited to feast on God’s presence. And let us share the bounty of God’s love with everyone we meet along the way.

Yours in Christ,

Pastors Cris and Dave