
Dear Family of God, It is hard to believe it is already October. But the truth is that God is always calling us forward. God is calling us forward in time, calling us forward in growth as God’s children, calling us forward in mission and ministry. There is a deep...


Dear Family of God, ral·ly/ˈralē/verb 1. (of troops) come together again in order to continue fighting after a de- feat or dispersion: “De Montfort’s troops rallied and drove back the king’s infantry” synonyms: reassemble, re- group, re-form,...


Dear Family in Christ, As this is being written our young people are preparing to leave on their trip to North Carolina. What will happen on this trip? Who knows? Some of the youth trips in the past have gone without a hitch. Other trips have had a host of problems...


Dear Friends in Christ, As I write this letter I cannot help but think of Paul’s words in the book of 1 Corinthians. To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though I myself am not under the law) so...


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Summer is upon us. For many of us the pace of life will change somewhat. The heat tends to slow the world a little. People are on vacation off and on through the summer. The sun and warmth call us all to enjoy a little of the world...


Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! We need to keep shouting this joyous news, not just for others, but to remind ourselves. It is easy to see the end of things only as a moment of grief and sorrow, but our risen Lord reminds us that death always leads to new life. I...